
Communities in Bloom National Winners!

Dec. 3, 2018
CiB Council

This past summer Associated Labels and Packaging helped the City of Coquitlam win first place in its class in the national competition. The "5 Blooms Silver" award was presented to the Mayor and Council (City of Coquitlam) by our very own Sustainability Manager, Jay Ashworth. Communities in Bloom recognized Coquitlam with a special recognition for "Pollinator Friendly Community of the Year." With our four beehives, we would like to think this help significantly =)  We look forward to helping this great community cause in the future! Every little bit helps get the message of sustainability out there! "Communities in Bloom is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to fostering civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement and the challenge of a national program, with focus on enhancing green spaces in communities."